Dear WWCMA Members, Sponsors, Partners and Supporters,
As valued participants in our WWCMA community, I’m delighted to share some exciting news with you! Recently, our Board of Directors created a strategic vision for the WWCMA to guide our Council’s future direction and growth:
“We strive to be the premier community for thought leadership and innovation; building connections, best practices and learning opportunities for organizations that want to build a healthier workforce.”
To help us achieve this vision we set strategic goals, key of which include:
  • Grow by increasing membership, improving services and continuing innovation
  • Partner with other Massachusetts and national professional organizations
  • Foster the adoption of best practices through innovative programs and resources
  • Provide thought leadership on worksite health promotion topics
  • Liaise with other health promotion organizations interested in advancing worksite health promotion
In support of these priorities, we’ve been in discussions with The National Wellness Institute (NWI), a worldwide voice of the wellness community and distinguished leader in providing professional development and engagement opportunities that drive multidimensional, multicultural, high-level wellness strategies. Together we explored ways we can collaborate to achieve our mutual goals, as we each seek opportunities to partner with like-minded organizations, to learn from each other and connect to expertise across multiple disciplines.
As a result of these conversations, I’m very excited to announce that WWCMA and NWI have signed a partnership agreement that will enable us to provide our existing and new members with even greater value, including access to exceptional resources from a national wellness leader.
As part of our agreement, NWI will provide all existing and new WWCMA members with the following amenities (full details to come):
  • Dual Membership in NWI at no additional cost for the term of the WWCMA membership agreement
  • Membership Discounts on available NWI programming and events
  • Membership Benefits Package offered to all NWI members (Note: If a member does not renew their membership, any unused or inactive member benefits will be cancelled.)
  • Access to NWI’s LinkedWELL online community, including a private WWCMA Group within LinkedWELL
This is a very exciting and pivotal time for WWCMA, as we position the Council for future growth and success. Our partnership with NWI is an important step in helping us move forward with our strategic direction.
It is vital to note that WWCMA will retain its autonomy and growth as a separate entity, while realizing the benefits of partnership with NWI.
Watch for more information about this exciting initiative in the coming weeks, as we’re set to launch our partnership in September.
On behalf of our WWCMA Board of Directors and committee volunteers, I thank you for all that you do in support of worksite wellness. Together, we look forward to a bright future, expanding our presence as thought leaders and innovators for employee well-being in Massachusetts and beyond.
Onward in health!
Be well,
Kristie Howard, CEBS, CWWPC Board Chair
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